It's that time of the year again, school time! A new semester! A new semester means new possibilities, new opportunities, new projects, and a new you! Every year requires a different you, an elevated you. With the month of August here, it is time to get our ducks in a row and start prepping for school. Yes, some schools are by semesters but others are quarterly. So many have started school already. That is fine! I still want to give you guys and gals tips on how to prep for a new school term! These are my 5 top tips on how to show up to school prepared and aim well for a great year!
1. Mentally Prepare
Come out of vacay mode and back into grind mode! Don't have your body in class but your mind in Miami. Yes, that trip was fun and much needed but you got to come back to life and get on your mode. Start doing quick refreshers! Refresh on Autocad, Revit, Roomstyler, SketchUp, or even Microsoft Office programs. Start getting back in the hang of those systems.
2. Purchase All Required Supplies
Be a show off LOL! Show up to class with all your textbooks and supplies on the first day. Email your professors, ask them to send you the required books and a list of supplies you will need for the class.
TIP: To save money you can always rent your textbooks from your universities bookstore, Amazon, or Chegg. Personally I love buying my interior design books because it will always be a good reference point in the future but my other electives I just rent.
•Refill on already used supplies. Go purchase your vellum paper, new furniture templates, folders, low used colored pencils, boards, etc. Use these links to purchase a few of your supplies at a great deal!
ClearPrint Vellum Paper Furniture Template Alvin T-Square Prismacolor Markers Prismacolor Colored Pencils
3. Join a New Organization, Club, or Sport
•Start thinking of more ways to get involved! Join a interior design organization like ASID, IIDA, NKBA, BIDN, NARI, or RESA! You can volunteer, network, and receive internships/jobs just by being connected to one of these groups. If your university's design program has a design group, join that as well!
•Always be involved with your school and peers! Look online, see what clubs and sports are looking for new members. It's always fun and beneficial to your career to be involved in school activities.
4. Start building your niche and brand
•Find your design style! Whether it's residential or commercial, you can learn what your passion is and what designs you are really good at. It could be modern, traditional, electic, contemporary, sustainability, or rustic mixed with mid-century modern. You decide!
•Buy branded resumes and business cards. You want both items to look cohesive and nice. Your resume and business cards will "tell" who you are and your personality(just a little).
•Get well-established on social media. Clean up your page or make two separate accounts-personal(private) and business. You want to show potential employees and clients you are professional and ALL about design!
•No matter where you are in your school career, it's always a good idea to start building your portfolio website. Make sure your projects, your contact information, and any information you want employees to see are updated. (Check mines out
5. Network, Network, Network
As my program director always said "Get a card, give a card"
•Networking will help you get that dream internship. You never know who knows who. Always have your business cards and tell everyone you talk to that you are looking for an internship.
•Tell everyone you are looking for a job. Reach out to those who gave you their business card.
•Never underestimate your peers. Networking with other students can help you not only in the classroom but in the business world too. Reach out to classmates to see if their internship or job is hiring, they could put in a good word for you. If you are lacking in one skill, reach out to your classmate who may be exceptional at that skill. We can all learn from one another.
I hope these 5 tips helped you get a good start on your awesome semester! If you have any questions or tips please contact me!